February 2017

Due to the recent heavy rainfall in Los Angeles, and the rest of California, Leptospirosis is on the rise. Leptospirosis (Lepto) is an infection caused by a spirochete bacteria that affects wildlife, domestic animals, and humans. It is shed in the urine of infected animals and can survive for months in soil, standing water, lakes, and streams. Dogs become infected by coming into contact with contaminated water or soil. Infections can cause kidney and/or liver failure, severe muscle pains, and bleeding abnormalities.
It is recommended that dogs at risk of exposure to Lepto are vaccinated against the disease. At risk dogs are those that live in or visit rural areas, are exposed to wildlife such as rodents, raccoons, opossums and skunks, or visit forested areas to hike or camp.
West LA Veterinary Group offers Merial RECOMBITEK 4 Lepto vaccines for dogs for the safest and most complete protection. If you have any questions regarding vaccinating your dog against Lepto or if you would like to make an appointment to update his or her vaccinations, please call the clinic at (310) 478-5915. You may also email us at info@wlavg.com.